Due Diligence Goofy, Esoteric Securities are a Red Flag Posted on December 18, 2015April 13, 2017 By Matt Financial entertainment got a holiday gift with the fiasco surrounding the Third Avenue Focused Credit Fund. The fund halted withdrawals amid investor outflows which was “shocking” according to Barron’s. The sharks are circling as the media has had easy filler content – “Worried About Your High-Yield Bond Fund?” and so… Read more
It’s Forecasting Season Posted on December 9, 2015 By Matt From the Fairway Wealth Management Blog: As the leaves fall from the trees and the temperature starts to drop here in Cleveland, I am reminded that forecasting season is right around the corner. The same people who predicted $200+ oil, hyper-inflation, and multiple Federal Reserve rate hikes for 2015… Read more
Investing 1.21 Gigawatts Posted on November 2, 2015 By Matt On October 21st, 1985, Marty McFly went back in time 30 years to escape Libyans, save Doc Brown’s life, and turn his dad from a weenie into a hero. He also wound up with a rad 4×4, but before he could take it for a spin, Doc Brown stopped by… Read more
3rd Quarter Commentary Posted on October 6, 2015 By Matt This year’s market movements are not unexpected nor are they out of the ordinary. The S&P 500’s average return is about 10% with an average drawdown of 14% sometime during the year. Many pundits called for a correction (stock market drop of 10% or more) this year and were lauded… Read more
News Love Posted on October 2, 2015 By Matt The Federal Reserve must be barraged by lonely singles looking for dating advice because they recently put out a working paper called “Credit Scores and Committed Relationships”. The Fed finds that people with similar credit scores tend to get together and that the higher the credit score, the more trustworthy… Read more
News Federal Reserve – Data Driven? Posted on September 18, 2015 By Matt Janet Yellen pulled the markets offside with a hard count yesterday. Instead of a hike, we heard about global weakness that suddenly warrants the Fed’s attention. The market reacted as though there was a hike – you could say we’ve been in the red zone the last two days (I… Read more
News ARPKD Posted on September 11, 2015 By Matt Saturday, September 19th is the Northeast Ohio Walk for PKD. Please take a minute to read about a cause that is near to my heart. My son, William, has ARPKD (autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease). This is a genetic disease that led to complications after he was born and ultimately shut… Read more
Investing Wild Monday Posted on August 26, 2015 By Matt So what happened to the market on Monday? I don’t know and anyone who says they do know is full of it. Because investing involves lots of numbers and math, it is easy to assume that there are clear answers to questions like this. Math is constant. 2+2=4. Investing is not… Read more
News Fiduciary Posted on August 5, 2015 By Matt There is a silent struggle over the word Fiduciary in the financial services industry. I am biased not only because the firm I work for has a Fiduciary duty to its clients but because I think it’s the ethical thing to do. One of the most frustrating things is discussing investing with… Read more
Greek Crisis Translated Posted on July 13, 2015 By Matt 2001 Greece: Hey can we join the Eurozone? Europe: How is your economy? Greece: I’d say strong to um… quite strong? Europe: Welcome aboard! 2010 Greece: Hey Europe! We’re having a tough time with the financial crisis. Could you lend us some money? Pundits: CONTAGION!!! PIIGS!!! RINGWALL!!! Europe: Sure, this should… Read more