Headlines, Mulch, and Evangelical Misery Posted on April 24, 2020 By Matt Toilet paper aisles may be sparse, but one thing we’re not lacking is opinions on the pandemic. Everyone’s got their take and a pet conspiracy theory to go with it. Here’s mine: From a human standpoint, the United States has done a great job mobilizing (or immobilizing in this… Read more
Family 9 Ways to Wait Out the Remainder of the Quarantine Posted on April 14, 2020April 14, 2020 By Matt Depending on how prepared you were, the early days might have been manic, establishing supply lines and hoarding toilet paper. As churches and bars (trying to cover all bases here) stopped regular service it sank in that this was something that would last weeks, not days. Now you’ve reached the… Read more
This is Who You Are Posted on April 6, 2020 By Matt Regarding the stock market, “If you don’t know who you are, this is an expensive place to find out.” wrote Adam Smith. Everyone says they are investing for the long term. The joke is that “long-term” means only until the next bear market for a lot of people. Were you… Read more